Developing the FHWA Driver Model Software for Practical Application
POP: 60 mths
Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2021
Role: COR
Dates Involved: Sep. 2016 - Nov. 2017
Duties: Project Conception; Project Procurement; Scope of Work; Project Management; Deliverable Review and Acceptance
Certain scenarios, events, and technologies elicit unique driver behaviors with significant operational impacts. These events alter driver behavior on a per-vehicle level, therefore microsimulation is well-suited to predict their impacts. Unfortunately, current microsimulation packages do not feature specialized algorithms to accurately reflect the unique driver behavior observable for each scenario (e.g., for connected and automated vehicle (CAV) applications, road weather events, and travel through work zones). This limits the ability of planners and engineers to predict their impacts.
Even with accurate microscopic models, planners and engineers need streamlined and useful methods for analyzing microscopic model output. FHWA provided recommendations on analytical methods in the Traffic Analysis Toolbox. It would be beneficial, however, to automate these methods and incorporate them into a single, user-friendly platform for microsimulation.
Building on the applied research and preliminary development from Developing FHWA Work Zone Driver Model Towards Practical Application, this project seeks to enhance the Work Zone Driver Model DLL and Driver Model GUI, improving the capability, functionality, and usability of these tools and pushing them towards deployment. The aim is to develop the FHWA Driver Model Platform as a single, consolidated repository for specialized microscopic models. It is also envisioned to include tools that assist users in model calibration, in-simulation diagnostics, and post-simulation analysis.
Home screen of the FHWA Driver Model Platform (v0.6)
Project Management
Incorporate Additional Driver Models into Platform
Incorporate GlidePath and CACC Models
Process Road Weather Data for Model Estimation
Incorporate CAV-Related Models
Develop Model Analytical Tools for the Platform
Create "Analysis" Section and Develop Network Validation Tools​
Develop Analytical Tools
Develop Automated Data Processing and Model Calibration Tools into the Platform
Create Data Processing and Model Calibration Tools
Integrate Data Processing and Model Calibration Tools
Develop, Interface, and Test a User Feedback System for the Platform
Develop and Interface a User Feedback System​
Alpha Test the Platform and Update Platform
Interface the Driver Model GUI and Driver Model DLL with another Microsimulation Software Package