Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Case Studies of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Implementations Specific to the South-Central Region
POP: 18 mths
Aug. 2019 - Feb. 2021
Role: PI
Dates Involved: Aug. 2019 - Present
Duties: Project Conception; Competitive Proposal; Project Management; Lead Investigator; Main Technical Contributor
Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies offer potentially transformative and far-reaching impacts to the Louisiana transportation system - and other associated, reliant fields. This may include impacts to: public safety, congestion, personal mobility, land use, pollution and the environment, socio-economic characteristics, and the economy. However, realized benefits will be directly tied to how well public agencies prepare for these emerging technologies.
Due to uncertainty in the technological capabilities and infrastructure requirements, it is difficult for state DOTs to estimate such benefits and prepare their transportation system for such emerging technology. Emerging, research-based analysis, modeling, and simulation (AMS) tools can provide an efficient means to evaluate potential CAV implementations. These case studies may supplement and better inform CAV-related policy, planning, and integration strategies currently being developed by local and state DOTs.
The main objective of this study is to conduct two AMS case studies of CAV deployment strategies of importance and specific to Louisiana (as selected by prominent stakeholders). It is envisioned that the case studies will be mobility-based, focusing on low levels of automation; perhaps replicating the first CAV applications that will be deployed on a system-level, such as: platooning, cooperative speed harmonization, cooperative on-ramp merging, lane speed monitoring schemes, and advanced traffic signal coordination. However, depending on the stakeholders' selection, the case studies may involve safety or other related analyses. The case studies will produce new, meaningful knowledge, quantifying the (potential) impacts of CAV deployments in Louisiana utilizing realistic, "real-world" transportation networks and deployments scenarios.
Example of network-level modeling of a CAV implementation (by the PI), where a dedicated platooning lane was implemented on a corridor near Austin, TX. This involved dynamic traffic assignment, to investigate the impacts of re-routing.
Stakeholder Engagement
Focused Literature Review
Selection of Case Studies
Conducting Case Studies
Developing Case Study Reports
Guidance on Future CAV Modeling Efforts
Diagram summarizing the anticipated process to select the AMS case studies from stakeholder input.