Development of an Analysis/Modeling/Simulation (AMS) Framework for V2I and Connected/Automated Vehicle Environment
POP: 29 mths
Sep. 2016 - Feb. 2019
Role: Co-GTM
Dates Involved: Sep. 2016 - Nov. 2017
Duties: Project Conception; Project Procurement; Scope of Work; Project Management; Deliverable Review and Acceptance
While CAV technologies have the potential to improve existing transportation systems, transportation agencies must be able to evaluate and identify which applications best address the unique transportation problems in their jurisdictions. Traffic analysis tools provide an efficient means to evaluate transportation improvement projects prior to implementation. However, current traffic analysis tools are not well suited for evaluating CAV applications due to their inability to incorporate vehicle connectivity as well as autonomy. Furthermore, guidance on how these traffic analysis tools can be extended to evaluate CAV applications is non-existent.
In order to evaluate the full benefits of CAV technologies on the transportation system, transportation agencies must be equipped with all the necessary tools needed to predict potential impacts and support decision-making, both at the planning and operational levels. This is particularly important for achieving V2I connectivity, as public agencies must have information and tools to justify, plan, and operate infrastructure investments that enable V2I applications.
The objective of this project is to lay a foundational framework for the development of an AMS tool capability that includes CAVs, and engage in a small-scale V2I AMS development using this framework that encourages future development activities, toward a vision where practitioners have CAV-aware tools available. Specifically, this project will: (i) develop a Concept of Operations, (ii) review and assess prior/current work in CAV AMS, (iii) assess CAV data availability, (iv) assess simulation models both at the tactical and strategic level (e.g., multiresolution modeling frameworks), (v) develop a gap analysis of data and modeling needs, (vi) develop a CAV AMS framework/architecture, (vii) develop a prioritization plan for CAV study, (viii) develop and execute a prototype modeling framework, and (ix) conduct a small-scale study for proof of concept of the prototype framework.
Project Management
Stakeholder Interaction
Development of Concept of Operations and System Requirements​
Development of Concept of Operations​
Development of System Requirements
Review and Assessment of Prior/Current Work​​
Data Assessment​
Tool Assessment
Gap Analysis
Framework/Architecture Development
Prioritization/Plan for V2I Study
V2I AMS Pilot Small-Scale Study/Proof of Concept of Prototype
A methodological framework for evaluating the strategic and operational impacts of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology. Includes the four key modeling components and their respective relationships: demand effects, supply changes, operational performance, and network integration.
Supporting Efforts
This project is part of a larger effort to provide necessary, adequate, and validated CAV-aware AMS tools to practitioners. The framework will be utilized to develop and validate model logic for selected CAV applications in Developing Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Tools for Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Applications, a current FHWA-led project.
This project was also part of the USDOT Twinning Initiative, and continues to collaborate with the EU Horizon 2020 research project, CoEXist. More information can be found on the CoEXist website.